Couples Cryotherapy: A Cool Way to Enhance Wellness Together

Want to bring your friends, loved ones or partners to do a Cryo session with you?

By subjecting yourself to extremely cold temperatures, you boost your health. You also create a unique connection by stepping out of your comfort zones together.

From improved recovery times to reduced inflammation, the benefits are substantial. Yet, the joy and impact of this experience help you tap into deeper levels of trust with one another.

Why Choose Couples Cryotherapy?

But why cryotherapy?

Let's look at why whole-body cryotherapy is an excellent option for couples.

The Benefits of Sharing a Wellness Journey

Embarking on a wellness journey is already daunting enough. Embracing this journey with a partner not only helps you connect but also helps you keep each other accountable. Similarly, through this shared journey, you can gain a deeper understanding of your partner.

When diving into whole-body cryotherapy together, you're supporting one another in stepping out of your comfort zone.

Navigating the challenges and triumphs of a wellness journey together can further deepen this appreciation for one another. You can also use whole-body cryotherapy as a first step into experiencing other wellness options. These can include floatation therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and massage therapy.

Understanding the Health Benefits of Cryotherapy

While you're connecting in new ways, your bodies are experiencing a range of benefits. Whole-body cryotherapy can:

  • Reduce pain

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Improve skin health

  • Enhance blood circulation

  • Improve metabolism

  • Boost mood

  • Improve migraine/headache symptoms

The cold temperatures of cryotherapy stimulate our body's natural healing mechanisms. These mechanisms, such as enhanced blood circulation, deliver oxygen and nutrients where needed.

When experiencing whole-body cryotherapy as a couple, you may quickly look past the initial shock factor. This is because we can focus on how our partner feels and their reaction. In that moment, you're unconsciously supporting one another through this feeling, allowing you to enjoy each session more.

Comparing Couples Cryotherapy to Individual Sessions

Whether you want to experience cryotherapy by yourself, with a friend or as a couple is down to personal preference. Some people like the solidarity of being within our duel cryotherapy chamber, while others prefer having the support. Unlike other therapy options, you experience the same benefits regardless of whether you're with someone.

However, as we've covered, you may be able to strengthen a bond or relax more by sharing the chamber with a partner or friend.

It can also be a cost-effective solution should you know someone who wants to try cryotherapy. When booking cryotherapy with The Body Lab, you can bring a partner or friend when booking your session. 

This allows you to share the experience without having to pay twice.

Maximising the Benefits of Cryotherapy for Couples

Preparing for your couple's cryotherapy session will help you maximise your time in the cold. Similarly, integrating whole-body cryotherapy into your wellness routine can enhance your well-being.

Preparing for Your Cryotherapy Appointment

First, wearing the proper attire is crucial.

Opt for loose, comfortable clothing with gloves. Also, ensure that you remove metal jewellery before entering the chamber. You should also hydrate beforehand and ensure you have eaten a light meal.

You'll first spend 30 seconds or so in our pre-chamber (-60 degrees) when entering. This is to prepare you for your session. Then, you'll move into our main chamber (-110 degrees), which will feel significantly colder. The initial shock of the cold will be brief as your body sets its processes in motion.

For some, this cold sensation can be relaxing.

As a couple, you can use the pre-chamber time to encourage one another for the whole session.

Integrating Cryotherapy into Your Wellness Routine

You may find that you're hooked on the cold after your first session

So, how do you include it in your routine?

Similar to massages or facial treatments, consider cryotherapy as adding a little ice to your well-being regimen. Some benefits become more apparent after repeated sessions. In doing so, you may better sleep or retain a better mood for longer.

Aim for consistent sessions and track your progress/feelings along the journey. Try to collate how cryotherapy impacts you on an individual level. Then, you can optimise your routine with your partner to support each other's goals further.

Making a routine out of impactful treatments such as these can help you keep one another accountable. Setting health objectives together can strengthen your bond and make the rewards more impactful.

Look at the other recovery options available and weigh which you enjoy the most and the least. From there, you can devise a plan including these therapies, with whole-body cryotherapy as a primary or supporting focus.

Then, whether you're looking to reduce inflammation, recover, boost your mood or reap another crotherapy benefit, you can do so with benefits from other therapies.

Taking the Plunge Together

If you've ever had a cold shower, you know it's about taking the leap.

Whole-body cryotherapy is a unique recovery therapy with numerous benefits. It's a therapy that forces you out of your comfort zone, made easier with the help of a partner or friend. Couples' cryotherapy is an excellent way to deepen your bond and relationship while trying something new.

As a pair, you can work towards and support each other on shared wellness goals.

Taking the plunge into the icy realm of whole-body cryotherapy is a challenge every couple should face together.

To book your Whole-body Couples Cryotherapy session, click here.


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