What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is an innovative therapeutic process that involves the user breathing pure oxygen within a pressurized environment. Our Hyperbaric Hydroxy Airpod is the first of its kind in the UK and increases the user's oxygen absorption by up to 35%.

Hydrogen is proven to selectively target and reduce free radicals to prevent disease, degeneration and ageing resulting from oxidative stress.

By increasing oxygen and hydrogen to the cells via atmospheric pressure, the AirPod supports the body to optimise detoxification, increase energy production, improve mental clarity, deepen sleep quality and improving the health and well-being baseline to help you thrive in everyday life.

Why Use Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Injured tissues in our body naturally require more oxygen to heal. The amount of 'normal' oxygen within this tissue can be increased through HBOT. This additional capacity can continue through repeat uses, even while the therapy is not used.

HBOT is an excellent treatment for injuries that are difficult to treat - such as wounds as a result of diabetes. Similarly, it can aid with long-term side effects of radiotherapy and speed up the healing of carbon monoxide poisoning.

While HBOT is primarily used for physical recovery, many users express other benefits, such as increased mental clarity, improved sleep, and more energy.

Let's take a look at these benefits in more detail.

The Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

HBOT is primarily used as a therapy for injuries, sickness solutions - such as carbon monoxide poisoning or decompression sickness, and blood-related complications. However, HBOT research has been expanding, with more studies diving into HBOT’s capabilities to impact age prevention positively.

We have also noticed a substantial impact on mental clarity, general body wellness and quick recovery in our members who use HBOT regularly.

Can Hyperbaric help with Jet Lag?

Jet lag is an all-too-well-known complication for athletes. Travelling around the world regularly can make it challenging to perform at peak performance when met with the effects of jetlag for a few days after landing.

Cabins are pressurized, and while at cruising altitude, the air pressure is equivalent to 6000 - 8000 feet above sea level, resulting in less oxygen being absorbed by the blood. Jetlag can persist for multiple days and cause fatigue, grogginess, reduced mental and physical performance and daytime sleepiness.

These symptoms can be catastrophic for athletes looking to perform their best; however, with the use of HBOT, jetlag symptoms can be reduced or negated, allowing users to return to their norm far sooner.

Healing Wounds and Recovery

Damaged blood vessels cause swelling, which deprives our cells of oxygen. Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment helps bring oxygen-rich plasma to oxygen-starved tissue. This tissue starts to die if it does not receive the oxygen it needs, which creates a cycle of swelling, deprivation and cell death.

HBOT interrupts this cycle by drastically increasing the oxygen available to these cells. The increased oxygen helps to lower the swelling around the tissue and promote healing.

Treating Sports-Related Injuries With HBOT

Similarly to healing, injuries create the same problematic cycle. When a part of our body becomes injured, our circulation becomes damaged, which impacts our ability to heal.

Ligament and tendon damage are often more severe and can cause complications for athletes due to their long healing time. This is because they have a more limited blood supply than muscles and other body areas.

Already at a disadvantage, an injury to these areas poses a more significant challenge for our bodies to heal. HBOT can be a promising solution, as it doesn't rely on the body's natural ability to circulate oxygen.

Increasing Energy and Cognitive Function

HBOT can also have a profound effect on our energy and cognitive function. The increased pressure and oxygen absorption can help us focus and remove mental blocks that we face. Countless times have we had our members explain how after a session in HBOT, they felt clear-minded and full of energy.

HBOT has been used as a solution for chronic fatigue, and it shows. Athletes need to feel energized and on top of their game, and HBOT helps them do that.

Delays the Onset of Ageing and Degenerative Diseases

HBOT encourages new blood vessels to grow while stimulating cells to produce substances like vascular endothelial. Research suggests that undergoing HBOT regularly can increase our PBMC telomere length by a substantial 20% while reducing the number of senescent cells by up to 37%.

Another study has shown, for the first time in humans, that HBOT positively impacts pathophysiological ageing effects on the skin of human adults.

Guidelines for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

As with most therapies, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before undergoing hyperbaric oxygen treatment, especially if you plan to use it outside of clinical practice to target a specific condition.

Ensure that you inform the team assisting you with your HBOT of any underlying effects you may have or might have concerns with. Due to the pressurized nature of HBOT, injuries to the eardrums or eyes can cause complications and potential adverse side effects of HBOT use.

Our staff are trained extensively and can assist you and answer any questions regarding whether HBOT is suitable for use, given your circumstances.

Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for You?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a well-trusted therapy that revitalizes your body with enhanced oxygen absorption. Athletes can bounce back from intense sessions, injuries or mental fog quicker than ever and perform at their peak.

Interested in HBOT?

Benefit from a state-of-the-art, extensive range of regenerative therapies and services that enhance health optimization inside and out. Our world-class gym has specialist equipment sourced globally, with bespoke personal training available on demand, including direct access to our UK's first Hyperbaric Hydroxy Airpod.

Get in touch with the team today to learn more.


Louis Alexander | Completes Alaska Marathon


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