Unlock Athletic Greatness with Red Light Therapy: Boost Performance and Recovery

Growing interest in alternative performance enhancers has led to more and more people uncovering the benefits of Red Light Therapy. Working to maximise cellular function and repair, this recovery therapy boosts strength, endurance, and resilience. It can provide unprecedented athletic results by looking closely at the science behind and functions of Red Light Therapy.

What is Red Light Therapy, and How Does it Work? 

Red Light Therapy is an increasingly popular form of phototherapy that can be harnessed using lasers or LED bulbs. LED bulbs tend to be more popular, as they don’t produce heat or cause physical injury to the skin surface. At The Body Lab, we use LED panels with bright, red light bulbs, emitting low levels of red and infrared light. The short wavelength enables the Red Light to penetrate the skin between 1-2 millimetres. This is up to 4 times deeper than Ultraviolet light waves – another popular form of light therapy - can reach beneath the skin. 

Red Light Therapy At A Cellular Level 

The depth of penetration provided by Red Light Therapy allows it to reach a greater variety of cells. These cells are not at risk of being harmed or mutated due to Red Light Therapy. Instead, the Red Light strengthens the mitochondria of affected cells. The mitochondria generate sufficient energy to power cells, therefore playing a pivotal role in maintaining our biological health. The stronger the mitochondria are, the more efficiently cells can perform their intended functions and repair themselves.

The Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Athletic Performance 

When looking to enhance athletic performance, Red Light Therapy is becoming an increasingly popular tool for many people searching for drug-free, non-invasive ways to give themselves that extra edge. The increased energy within cell production can improve physical performance, and Red Light Therapy can also help stimulate blood circulation. Increased blood flow means oxygen and nutrients can reach the muscles faster. This can improve power, reduce injury risk, and prevent fatigue.

Using Red Light Therapy for Muscle Recovery 

The increased circulation and cellular energy production that Red Light Therapy promotes plays a vital role in muscle recovery and the reduction of muscle soreness. So, when used as part of a recovery routine, Red Light Therapy can help to speed up the body’s natural healing processes. 

Muscle fatigue, recovery time, and Inflammation 

Engaging in intense exercise causes the muscles and tissue to become damaged on a microscopic level, as well as getting inflamed. By having increased blood flow throughout the muscles, the oxygen and nutrients essential to repairing these minuscule tears and inflamed tissues can get to work with heightened efficiency and speed. This can significantly reduce muscle fatigue, which builds up over time whilst exercising and speeding up recovery time. Stronger, more energised muscles enable you to optimise your exercise whilst minimising your injury risk, allowing you to train in a healthier, more productive manner. 

Combining Red Light Therapy with Other Recovery Modalities 

Red Light Therapy is a powerful recovery service in its own right, but combining it with other recovery modalities can improve overall wellness and recovery even further.

Those looking to boost their energy levels can combine Red Light Therapy with whole-body cryotherapy. Red Light Therapy heightened mitochondrial energy production, while Cryotherapy also produced a rush of endorphins and dopamine. As a result, combining both these therapies can elevate your warm-up, providing an uplifting energy boost to your body and mind. 

If relaxation rather than stimulation is the goal, Red Light Therapy pairs excellently with Flotation Therapy. The Epsom salt-saturated water in the Flotation Pod provides blissful relief for tense, aching muscles, making them more receptive to the positive benefits of Red Light Therapy. 

Elsewhere, the increased absorption of hydrogen and oxygen provided by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy makes it a natural accompaniment to Red Light Therapy. When used in combination, they can enhance mitochondrial performance, reduce inflammation, and help remove free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules which cause cellular damage and oxidative stress. By using the HBOT to increase your absorption of hydrogen, an antioxidant, you can reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress. Adding Red Light Therapy on top of this will increase your blood flow, allowing the hydrogen to circulate in your body and detoxify it faster.

Take your training to the next level with rlt

Red Light Therapy’s restorative, performance-boosting powers make it a formidable tool for anyone looking to take their training to the next level. Providing extensive biological enhancements, it offers incomparable opportunities for athletic greatness. You can discover the best way to integrate Red Light Therapy into your exercise and recovery routine by trying it out for yourself. Book a session with us today. 


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