What Is Red Light Therapy & What Are the Benefits?

Humankind has always understood the healing properties of light. 

The Ancient Greeks believed that sunlight exposure could heal various conditions, while the ancient Egyptians used light therapy to treat multiple ailments. Egyptians would use Chromotherapy (the use of coloured lights) and Heliotherapy (the use of natural light) to combat these ailments. 

The Greeks first developed the four-colour theory, noting the connection between colours and bodily ailments. 

But what does this have to do with Red Light Therapy (RLT)?

As we've advanced technologically, so has our understanding of light and its impact on the body. In the 20th century, Niels Finsen, a pioneer of light therapy, won a Nobel Prize in Physiology and medicine for his work on treating Lupus Vulgaris (Tuberculosis) with light therapy.

Continuing the advancements, NASA researchers discovered that particular wavelengths of light would stimulate the growth of plants in space in 1960. Further research on how light can impact human cells and tissues was shortly underway after this discovery. 

Red Light Therapy is now used in various settings - from clinical use to spas and even home use through portable devices. 

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy is a type of phototherapy that uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate the cells in our body. It is also known as low-light therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation (PBM). Through Red Light Therapy, we expose the body to low light levels. These wavelengths of light penetrate the skin as our cells absorb it, which then stimulates a variety of biological processes. 

RLT devices use LEDs to emit their light - usually at a wavelength of 630 - 660 nanometers (nm), representing a more red-hued light, or a wavelength of 810 - 850nm representing a near-infrared-hued light. 

Using RLT is non-invasive and painless, making it an excellent recovery method to use in the comfort of your own home through a portable device or add to your recovery routine at our facility. 

How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

Unlike some recovery options, we must look at the process at a cellular level to understand how red light therapy works. RLT works by stimulating our mitochondria, our cell's primary energy producer. The mitochondria absorb the light, which enhances the production of a molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), subsequently increasing the energy to our cells. 

An ATP production increase leads to a variety of biological effects.

What Are the Benefits of Using Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy has been used for countless medical and recreational benefits throughout civilisation. In contrast to more recent therapy fields, researchers have studied RLT extensively to understand its benefits on our health further. 

Reducing Inflammation Through Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy has been shown to aid in reducing inflammation by stimulating cellular processes that reduce oxidative stress and improve the body's natural anti-inflammatory response. 

One study looking into the mechanisms and applications of the anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation discusses the mechanisms by which RLT reduces inflammation, including the impact on ATP Production, nitric oxide production and the immune system - further noting that "The local reduction of edema, and reductions in markers of oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines are well established." when referring to RLT. 

Similarly, extensive coverage of evidence in this review article by Michael R. Hamblin showcases how RLT has been seen to reduce inflammation in various tissues, including muscle, skin and nerve tissue. 

As noted, RLT can increase the production of ATP, which can have downstream effects that help reduce inflammation. One effect is activating a protein called P2X7, which increases the production of anti-inflammatory molecules. A study into LLLT found that it was a "promising therapeutic approach" for reducing inflammation for lung inflammatory diseases. 

Relieving Pain With Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy's ability to reduce pain is similar to how it helps reduce inflammation. Through the production of pro-inflammatory molecules and decreasing tissue swelling, it can have a range of impacts on pain relief. 

One study focusing on the impact of LLLT in acute neck pain found that LLLT reduced pain immediately in patients and for up to 22 weeks after completed treatment. Similarly, this review article discusses using RLT to reduce pain and improve function in patients with neurological disorders. 

Additionally, RLT can increase blood flow to injured tissues. Delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells can enhance tissue repair and reduce pain.

Improving Skin Health With Red Light Therapy

Collagen is a protein that provides structural support to the skin, helping it retain its firm and elastic look. Through RLT, the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and skin texture can be seen to improve. While we've seen how RLT stimulates cellular processes to aid in inflammation and pain relief, those same processes aid in enhancing collagen production. 

With the anti-inflammatory effects, it can help reduce the appearance of skin redness and irritation. Inflammation is a leading cause of skin damage; thus, reducing it can improve our overall skin health. 

In one controlled trial, results showed that treated subjects experienced "significantly improved skin complexion and skin feeling" in a group of healthy volunteers. In another study on Japanese patients, results showed a "subjective improvement of 50% or more for pigmentation", indicating a perceived and subjective improvement in skin tone and texture. 

For overall skin health, another study - targeting the effects of RLT on acne vulgaris - found that in the final visit, "both inflammatory and noninflammatory acne lesions had decreased significantly, by 77% and 54% respectively".

Enhancing Athletic Performance With Red Light Therapy

The benefits of cellular process stimulation continue with RLT's impact on improved muscle function, reduced muscle fatigue, and enhanced muscle recovery. 

RLT can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells through increased blood flow to the muscles, improving muscle function and reducing fatigue. One meta-analysis on the effect of phototherapy on exercise performance found that RLT improved exercise performance and reduced muscle fatigue when used before exercising. 

This review article also discusses the evidence supporting RLT in enhancing muscle performance, reducing muscle fatigue and muscle repair benefits. 

For any athlete, recovery from an intense workout or activity is vital. It minimises the downtime needed to return to your base level. A study into photobiomodulation therapy on high-level rugby players found that RLT improved performance and recovery during a field test. Finally, a randomised controlled trial found that applying RLT before and after aerobic training sessions can increase time-to-exhaustion and oxygen uptake. Additionally, it was shown to decrease body fat in healthy volunteers. 

Improving Mood and Mental Health With Red Light Therapy

In addition to cellular processes, RLT has been shown to stimulate the release of serotonin. This neurotransmitter plays a vital role in regulating mood and reducing inflammation in the brain. Serotonin, also known as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, can improve our mood and reduce the symptoms of depression. 

A study into the impact of RLT on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) found that a single light session showed a modest improvement in depression symptoms. To further support this, one review article discusses the potential applications of RLT in treating various neurological conditions. 

While we may think of depression at the forefront of mental health, many mental health and mood disorders can derive from poor sleep. A study on Chinese female basketball players confirmed the effectiveness of RLT in improving the quality of sleep for players. Additionally, another study shows the improvement RLT has on sleep inertia. 

How Often Should You Use Red Light Therapy?

A few factors dictate the frequency of RLT, including the device used, the reason for using and the light intensity. Generally speaking, if you're using RLT to treat a specific condition, be it physical or mental, you should consult a healthcare professional to understand the best direction/usage firmly. 

For general wellness and skin health, we recommend using RLT 2-3 times per week for 10 - 20 minutes per session. While some studies have shown no adverse effects for using it daily, a general user that doesn't perform at an athlete level may not need to use it daily to see benefits. 

In contrast, as studies we have shared above have indicated, it may be more beneficial for athletes to use it daily to aid recovery.

For home use, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for RLT use, as some machines and their capabilities may vary. If you have a medical condition, it is advisable to contact a healthcare professional before using RLT as a home recovery solution. 

What Are the Side Effects of Using Red Light Therapy?

RLT is generally considered safe and has very few, if any, side effects when used as directed. Side effects typically derive from misuse or if used with a pre-existing medical condition. 

For example, people with medical conditions such as epilepsy, thyroid conditions or skin cancer shouldn't use RLT without explicit confirmation from a healthcare professional. Similarly, RLT isn't recommended for Pregnant women or those taking medications such as steroids or photosensitising drugs.

Aside from medical reasons, the most common side effects include mild skin irritation or redness, effects caused by being exposed to too much light, or if the treatment is being used for too long. In some rare cases, RLT can cause burns or blisters if the user's skin is sensitive or if the device is misused. 

Ensuring you cover your eyes during the session will aid in preventing headaches or eye strain; this happens due to the bright light or by looking directly into the light source while using. 

Curious About Red Light Therapy and Its Benefits?

As one of the longest-standing therapy options, the benefits of light and Red light therapy have been used throughout civilisation. Red light therapy can aid with multiple areas of our lives, whether through increased recovery for athletes or improved skin appearance and sleep quality. 

RLT can be a powerful option when used with our other recovery options, and you ensure you receive proper guidance and use within our facility.

Interested in trying Red Light Therapy?

Get in touch with our team today to learn more.


Nourish Your Skin with the Skin Lab


Melanie Wilkinson | Nutrition Specialist